Season Greetings:

let there be light!

Dear friends and relations,
2020 was surely atypical
Although not necessarily bad for many
It made most of us think and feel
About our freedom
and the people we love 
taken for granted
The dreams we’ve had 
Put in a drawer
About the ones we have lost
what really matters to us
The creation of new ways
Before 2020 ends
amidst all the chaos of another lockdown
In the middle of the darkest night
May we share a breath of light
And be grateful
For all we  still have
the ones we love with us
for all that we care about
I thank you
For moments 
the assignments
the high spirit
the shared vulnerability
in 2021
i hope to see you again
healthy centered happy
Stronger than ever
Ready for a new chapter
of our collective story
new perspectives 
After this season
May we write new stories
Tales of love
May we enter a new era 
in our communications
support each other
Let there be light!
May the sky be the limit
Happy holidays!
Creative Development ​Studio​
​Consultancy | Program Making | Storytelling​

Let’s Stay in Touch!

The next year reserves some beautiful surprises: I’d love to keep you informed about my upcoming projects in 2021. Please fill in the form with your contact details to receive my newsletter.

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