About This Service

The Post-Covid season requires new ways of communicating. Training your storytelling skills is paramount on these days where everyone is a media company in potential and we spend most of the day behind of our screens. That’s why we are creating concepts that connects people, in a light way. We get the best out of our brains and machines, no one gets overwhelmed.

In our trainings and programs, I have blended my experience within media, corporates, creative industry and start up scene to develop concepts that make working together fun, interesting and effective.  We blend (social) media, communications and marketing to Storytelling, making our (online) interactions relevant, connective and full of purpose.

The TES storytelling nights are adapting to the times and we’ve developed formats that can be both followed on and offline.
In 2021/2022*, our program will follow the seasons, so we can connect to our cycles and see our stories evolving accordingly. At the end of the season(s) ;-), we’ll have worked 8 themes related to the main areas of our lives. In December, we will share our creations together to the world and collect our bonties of the year.

Always on Mondays, save the dates in 2021:
22/3/21: When spring has come, we celebrate the circles of Athena and Persephone.
21/6/21: When the sun is high up in the sky, we tell tales of Artemis and Afrodite.
13/9/21: When is time for harvest, we celebrate Hera and Demeter.
11/12/21: When winter knocks on our doors, Persephone and Hestia close the season.

Curious to know all about these goddesses that represent the archetypes that repeat themselves in every culture?
And what embodying them means to your own development as a storyteller? Want to have fun while sharing these stories together? So join us in our 4 yearly sessions.

On each day we will offer a complete program including:

– Masterclasses (120 min/EUR 27) from 17h to 19h (CET)

– Storytelling Nights** (60 min/EUR 12) from 20h to 21h (CET)

– Story Sharing Circles (45/minEUR 9) from 21h to 21h45 (CET)

– Short stories seasonal videos (EUR 4,8)

We can’t wait to see you there!

*In 2022, we will be telling on 21/3, 13/6, 12/9 and 10/12/2022

Complete program to be announced on December, 20th .

** The Storytelling Nights are powered by the Amsterdam Fund for Arts (AFK – Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst).

We are thankful for their contribution!

Who is it for?

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Like the concept? Support TES

  • "Maecenas sollicitudin orci non ornare sagittis. Quisque faucibus venenatis arcu eu vehicula. Phasellus accumsan dolor a tortor euismod, at sollicitudin velit molestie. Ut facilisis ex non risus vulputate scelerisque. Phasellus posuere convallis efficitur. In euismod mi quam, nec ullamcorper tellus vulputate id facilisis ex non risus vulputate scelerisque."

    John CarterFrom CBST
  • "Ut facilisis ex non risus vulputate scelerisque. Phasellus posuere convallis efficitur. In euismod mi quam, nec ullamcorper tellus vulputate id. Quisque faucibus venenatis arcu eu vehicula. Maecenas sollicitudin orci non ornare sagittis. Phasellus accumsan dolor a tortor euismod, at sollicitudin velit molestie facilisis ex non risus vulputate scelerisque."

    Ella TornutFrom Abu Bar

Available Packages – Trainings & Program Design

Choose the package that's most suitable for you; or get in touch to receive help finding the right plan for you!